Reading Excel files with PHPExcel

Microsoft Excel is a very powerful application and now we’ve finally got a powerful API written in PHP5 to read/write/convert Excel files also directly from Linux (not using COM, etc). It’s far from perfect at the moment, but it is working in 90% of cases. Software I’m talking about can be foundĀ here and it’s calledĀ PHP Excel.

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Datepicker’s Today button problem

One of the features of jQuery UI Datepicker is an option (showButtonPanel) which will display two buttons: Today and Done. One would expect that upon clicking the Today button the today date will also be selected and used in input box. Instead, jQuery UI Datepicker simply selects it.

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Check if PID exists on Linux

A simple function that will scan /proc file system and check if PID exists. If name is provided, it will also check the command name. Function returns TRUE if process was found (and name matched if specified) or FALSE if no such process ID exists.

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